‘Sometimes in life you have a period that you’re just insecure about what your next steps are, or how to execute something. Or you just simply don’t know in what direction you need to go. The frustrating thing is that you know that there is something inside of you that can make things possible. I knew I was capable of something, but I wasn’t sure in what field of business that was.

Eva directs you into the right direction, the one that aligns with your inner power. She connects with you on a deep, personal level, speaking directly from her heart. In honesty, trust, and security. She sees through your conditioned layers and reaches this beautiful spot in the midst of your soul — the authentic core. And then, she just lits it on fire.’


‘Along our business journey, we got lost and forgot what made Hommes Equipe successful in the first place. We came in contact with Eva, and she was just that missing link for us. With her broad knowledge and expertise she challenged us and thrived us. To seek who we truly are and whereas she showed us practical tips on how to develop and boost our creative minds again.

She works very thoroughly and has practical methods to achieve your goals. Eva brought us back to our essential basics from which we could align our next steps. She truly made us think out of the box and let us remember what we can accomplish together.’



‘A process filled with encouragement, kindness and laughter. Room for experiment and exploration. Planting small seeds. Sparking my curiosity. Always open for another interpretation or perspective. But always consistent. I feel like Eva fully surrenders to the process, and creates a safe space where I can do this too. To look inward, explore my inner world, trust my intuition, and practice my findings. Finally, I got the courage to show these insights to the outer world.’


Lieve Eek (photography)